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By August 8, 2011 No Comments

I wanted to pass along a few articles and resources today:
1. My poem on Courage, over at Kate Swoboda’s site. I’ve been thinking a lot about courage lately, and about what actually allows us to be courageous. I think it’s love. It’s not some mysterious quality of “bravery” but actually having a wealth of love that is big enough to dwarf fear and move us to action. More about that, in poetic form, here.
2. An article at Big Think called “Do Less, Accomplish More” in which I talk about overwork and ask: Why do so many workplaces celebrate the people who work crazy hours to get the job done? Why aren’t the heros the ones that leave at 5pm and still get great results? The article explores white space, the importance of downtime, and more. Click here to read it.
3. Saturday’s post on the importance of retreating, and on my experience at Jen Louden’s recent writing retreat. I’m highlighting this again because it seems to have not gone out in the feed via email. You can access the post here.

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