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What You Said: Highlights from the Wise Living Survey

By September 3, 2010 3 Comments

I am amazed and grateful that so many of you — 112 and still counting — took the time to complete the Wise Living survey! (And yes, if you would like to add your input, you still can.)
I wanted to share some highlights. This is who you are in company with here at Wise Living.
About 85% Wise Living readers are women, though we have a lovely group of male readers too. About 60% of readers are between 30-50, with some younger and some older. We’ve got a few high school and middle school readers too — very cool!
You do all kinds of things with your time: a small group are full time parents or caregivers. A significant portion work in helping professions: education, medical care, psychology. This makes sense given the heart-centeredness of Wise Living, but was a surprise.
You aren’t huge blog readers or bloggers. Over half of you read fewer than 5 other blogs, and only about 15% of you write a blog. I was happy to read this as one of my intentions for Wise Living was that it reach beyond the blogger scene.
You found me through Huffington Post, referrals from friends, or the blogs I guest write for, such as GoodLife Zen and Soulful Living.
You subscribe because you find the content “positive,” “though-provoking,” “kind” and “inspiring.” Each of those words came up again and again.
Many of you wrote that the posts help you calm down and take a deep breath during your day:
“The message is so healthy and important for me – reading it is like taking a pause in my day and grounding myself.”
Others read because you are in a time of transition and are figuring out your next step:
“I am at a point in my life in wanting to make a career change and was unsure how to even begin thinking about it or doing it.”
People also like the length (not too long), the posting schedule — not too frequent.
“I like that you do not post every day. You seem to know who you are and you don’t post fluff in an effort to post each day.”
Here’s what else you like
“The positive, kind message and the soft feel of it.”
“It reminds me what is important and helps me focus”
“It is profound, gives great advice, and makes me realize not to take things too seriously (much easier said than done).” (Many of you mentioned humor — glad you hear it and appreciate it in the posts.)

Some topics you said you’d like to see more about — either on the blog or through a workshop or course are:
-Becoming Yourself: Living More Authentically (this was the most popular topic)
Leaving the B+ Life (this was the number two topic)
-Finding and Following your Calling (this was the number three topic)
White Space
-More personal stories
-More practical advice
I’ll be thinking about what I can offer in these areas in the months to come.
In closing, I want to say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for taking the time to do the survey, for reading, and for your enthusiasm about Wise Living.
It’s almost two years since I started the blog. When I began, and for the many months that followed when I had a very small readership mainly of friends, this — connecting with a community of people who my work spoke to and made a difference for, who I could hear from and learn from— all of that was a dream. It was an important and tender and strong dream.
And here it is. Wow. Thank you.

Join the discussion 3 Comments

  • Sandra Lee says:


    Congratulations on the amazing response! It’s so inspiring to read the appreciation people feel for you blog.

  • Carma says:

    Thanks, Tara, for sharing this. There’s something ‘settling’ about learning more about my ‘Wise Living’ friends.

  • Gabe says:

    Hey Tara, I appreciate you sharing this. I’m happy that you got such a great response. It’s an excellent way to reach out to your readers. When my blog grows, I will keep the idea of a survey in the back of my mind! 🙂 Thanks for the inspiration and all that you do.


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