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Inner Wisdom, Inner Artist & Love to You

By September 15, 2010 One Comment

Hello lovelies,
It’s a foggy Wednesday morning in San Francisco and my brain in slowly waking up with a decaf coffee. Used to be a large cup of regular coffee woke me up in the morning. Now it’s a small cup of decaf. Progress, not perfection, they say!
I have a few recent guest posts I wanted to share with you.
1. At Think Simple Now, a post on moving from Confusion to Clarity. This is one of my big jobs as coach. People walk into my office confused, overwhelmed, in the fog of mental chatter. The role of coaching is to help them find that place of inner clarity. In this article I share some of my tools for doing that, with a focus on finding your own inner wisdom. That’s one of the most important things I’ve learned from coaching, and from my own journey: our inner wisdom is always unfailingly there for us, but we have to access it.
Personally, this guest post was really fun for me since Think Simple Now was one of the first personal growth blogs I started following, when I was just just just starting out. For lots of reasons, I admire the blog, and it felt like a special milestone to have a post there.
2. At Huffington Post, a post on reclaiming a lost creative pursuit or love. I know that many of you, like me, grew up loving some form of art, and then lost it along the way in life, for one reason or another. And by art I mean painting or drawing or dance or writing or singing or anything else that engaged your creativity. I’m passionate passionate passionate about us finding a way to reclaim those lost artistic loves. They are so important to our wellbeing, our emotional generosity, our physical health too.
3. Blogger Anastasia interviewed me about my 10 Rules for Brilliant Women article. If you want to delve deeper on the 10 Rules, this is a great place to start.
By the way, if you are a blogger, and you’d like to do an interview about the 10 Rules or another topic I write about, ping me ( and let’s chat!
And last but not least, I’m sending love and appreciation to all of you.

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