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As a civilization, we are coming out of centuries of harnessing the earth’s resources for greater productivity and material wealth. Well, we did what we set out to do: in many ways, we are much more materially wealthy. Yet, that wealth has been concentrated in the hands of too few. And our way of growing a more materially comfortable existence has turned out to be destructive to our hearts, to our minds, to our actual quality of life.
We need to make a shift. We need to course correct.
We need to put shopping back in its place.
We need to remember that economic prosperity is meant to be in the service of our quality of life — rather than our quality of life being sacrificed to our work.
We need to re-imagine a society that allows us to do that.
We need to rediscover our own power of choice around what we each do with our time and with the resources of our earth.
We need to realize that this earth is a paradise, that every person on it is a divine miracle, and then decide: how do we really take care of that paradise? How do we really give those human miracles a life experience worthy of their divinity?
I want a way that loves people more. That loves the earth more. That nurtures children better. That is less driven by power-seeking and more by peace-building. I want a civilization that acts from wisdom, not from ego, not from fear, not from cynicism.
I believe that change will happen as you start sharing your voice, your vision, your questions, your gifts, more fully. Yes, you. We need your light.

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  • Kim says:

    My favorite writers are those that articulate my feelings way better than I can (I know that sounds like inner critic, but it’s true too). It does mean, though, that I have the potential to speak out on this subject too.

    As a baby boomer, I am often dismayed at what my generation has allowed to happen, especially in terms of wasteful use of precious resources.

    It is time to re-imagine our society and culture and to put shopping in its place. We can have a thriving economy revolved around things that matter, and not growth for growth’s sake.

    Tara Gentile touched on this in her webinar with you, when she said that she wanted money to be able to invest in this new type of economy.

    Thanks for sharing your voice, Tara.

  • Tamisha says:

    Tara – beautifully articulated as always. I love this post! I feel so blessed to know other women who have like desires for both women and our quality of life.

  • Michael Ann says:

    Beautifully said. I have a good feeling we are already headed in that direction. I really do. The younger generation is seeing the affect of our materialism and waste. It seems they “get it” and want to go forward in another way. And of course, we can be a part of that too, or be leaders in that..whatever role we wish to take. I feel positive about our future.

  • thank you for being my friend and a light in my life!

  • Christa says:

    Oh, this is so very true.

    Thank you, thank you.

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