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Interviews with Satya and Laura

By December 15, 2011 2 Comments

Hi Everyone,
Last week, over at his blog, Fierce Wisdom, Satya Colombo asked me ten really good questions. “Diving deep” is the phrase that comes to mind when I think of this interview. We talked about my writing process, what I think sustains and sparks creativity, my fears and how I deal with them, and much more. I really appreciate the opportunity he created for an in-depth, reflective conversation.
And, here’s the link to an audio call with me that Laura Pedro of Lead and Flourish hosted for her community. We talked about women playing bigger – what that really means and what gets in our way, how women can be powerful and “liked” at the same time (and what to do when that is impossible). I also do some live one-on-one coaching with participants on the call. That always makes me feel like I’m supposed to do something sparkly and amazing and life-changing in two minutes (not a helpful thought), and then I remember I don’t believe in that at all. But I can respond with my questions and support and ideas, and that is what I do.
Check out the written interview with Satya here.
And the audio recording of my chat with Laura is here.

Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Ingrid says:

    I’ve just received my order of Your Other Names from Amazon. Tara, these poems are breath-takingly beautiful. Each one rests me deeper into YES. I am enjoying savoring them slowly. I will treasure this book and return to it often. Thank you for following your soul’s urging to send these out into the world.

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