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12 Questions for 2012, and More…

By January 2, 2012 One Comment

First post of 2012!
I don’t feel it every year, but this year, I feel full of a sense of possibility and energy because of the new year. I feel that new movement is possible, that change is a ocean wave to leap right into.
I was not in the mood to do any kind of resolutions this year. I really wasn’t even feeling like I wanted to any goal-setting or intention setting. Instead, I wanted to get to the heart of the matter. If I was going to do sit down and do some journalling or visioning about the year ahead, I wanted it to really be helpful – to yield new information about what I wanted – new insights about what was emerging in me – and I wanted it to get to the core of what really matters.
I didn’t want one more to-do-list. Sometimes our intentions for the new year turn into just that: a kind of macro to-do list, with all the big projects we aim to get done. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s just limited. There is a lot more to discover and craft about the year ahead than the list of projects our conscious minds would like to get done. There are messages from the heart. There are whispers from the soul. There are new colors to live in and there is new inner music to walk with. How do we get at those things?
In thinking about that, I wrote 12 questions for myself – 12 writing prompts for crafting your 2012. I wrote these asking myself, “what questions will help me discover something new about myself?” and “what questions will help me get to the heart of the matter?” The prompts are HERE, along with some instructions about how to use them.
Last but not least, I’m very excited about the new year because the new session of Playing Big, my creative baby and revolutionary (yes, it is!) leadership program for women is starting up in just a few weeks. This is a program for you if you want to do your work in a bigger way – more voice, more reach, more impact – and you know it…you are still playing small. You can sign up HERE to get more details and access to an early bird discount. Registration opens next week!
Wherever these first days of 2012 find you – emotionally, spiritually, physically – I send love and wishes for a year of blessings. Thank you for reading in 2011, and for joining me on this journey in 2012.

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  • Kat says:

    Thank you so much for inspiring me. For the first time in my life I wrote down what I want to do in the past tense; this was so powerful for me. I wanted to share with you what I posted on my Facebook page:

    In a year from now, during the winter solstice of 2012 I will look back and reflect on my amazing year. I will smile as I think of how I expanded my love and generosity for myself and others, I dove for abalone off the North Coast with my dad in June, sailed down the coast of California with a handful of close friends (and strangers), I created a line of jewelry and specialty stores sold it like hot cakes. I taught skiing. I sewed with and for my NorCal girlfriends. I participated in a yoga training workshop, volunteered and danced my way around Burning Man with close friends, surfed the warm waters of Costa Rica, discovered amazing culinary cuisine in SF and Napa, I was powerful and fearless in my own growth and development, I laughed and cried often and focused on what truly made me happy – really happy. I let go of the past, fear and doubt and faced my challenges head on. I was passionate. I sought out inspiring conversation. I looked forward to making mistakes. I surrounded myself with my favorite people. I no longer felt the need to explain myself to others. And most of all I was truly grateful to be here on this beautiful planet and for the life-altering transformations that occurred for me… and I thank all of you in advance for joining me on this incredible journey. Love and Light. Kat

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