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Join Me for a Course Coming Up!

Join Me for a Course Coming Up!

The Playing Big Course

This course is about supporting you in your Playing Big. 

If you have a longing to play bigger, if you have the uncomfortable knowing that you are playing small relative to your dreams and your potential, this program is for you. 

For fifteen years, I’ve done this work—supporting a community of women to step into their self-defined visions of playing big, with incredible results. 

Participants use the course to 

  • stop the harsh inner critic from running the show
  • share their creative projects and voices more fully 
  • start and grow businesses
  • make exciting career transitions
  • develop an inspired, just-right-for-them life and career vision that leads them forward
  • experience more empowerment and ease around financial earning 
  • unhook from praise and criticism so they can do their boldest work

Most of all, women come to this course to create more of the whole lives they desire.

“I’ve moved further towards my personal dreams and professional goals in the 7 months I worked with Tara on the Playing Big program than in the 7 years before. I’ve had several ‘leaps’, found my ‘brave pills’ and also a whole load of compassion for myself that I hadn’t even realized I needed. Tara is a smart, kind and powerful coach.”
Soraya Robertson, Head of Benefits Management & Business Change

“This course/book changed the way I think about myself and how I operate in the world. I have gained a sense of myself that is grounded from within rather than being held up by my external environment. I feel like I’ve come home to myself and that I more often than not, have an internal monologue that is much softer and compassionate than before the course. I am so grateful for the opportunity to have taken the Playing Big Course.”
Summer Scott, Artist and Educator

“It’s hard for me to put in words how much this course has benefitted me. It’s helped me to quiet my inner critic and has equipped me to start evolving into my authentic self. As someone who’s struggled with imposter syndrome, Tara has helped me to start a journey of pulling away layers of self-criticism and self-doubt. Before this course, I felt stuck and now I’m excited to move forward, learn and grow. I’m also excited to draw more on my inner mentor who reminded me of my life motto – to be a shining light.”
Hayley Reynolds, Director: Corporate Income Taxes, National Treasury of South Africa

The Playing Big Facilitators Training

This program is for coaches, consultants, mentors, managers, and educators who want to be much more effective in their work helping others grow and thrive. It’s also for those who feel a particular call to supporting women, and who want to be part of the collective movement of people working to create a world full of women’s leadership, contributions, and women’s voices. 

In this program, you get all the content of our Playing Big core course (also described on this page). You’ll be supported in your own playing big journey. 

And, for every topic we cover, this course has a second “layer” of training, and that layer gives you the skills and knowledge you need to use the Playing Big model and tools with others

For example, you’ll learn tools to quiet your own inner critic. But you’ll also learn how to help other people quiet their self-doubt. What coaching tools and approaches work best? What pitfalls commonly come up, and how can we navigate around them? You’ll see powerful coaching demos using the Playing Big tools—and Tara will unpack and analyze them—from the coaches’ lens. 

You’ll also have the opportunity to actually practice using the coaching skills in 1:1 pairs—in a safe, supportive learning environment. You’ll receive handouts and other materials you can share in your own workshop or coaching sessions.

“The Playing Big Facilitators Training is the very best continuing education course I’ve completed in my 10 years as an ICF-certified coach. The pace of the course, the depth of the content, the live coaching demos and the care with which Tara and her team gave to each topic meant that students had a rich, deep, embodied and meaningful experience. The material has already up-leveled my coaching.”
Jenny Remington, Coach

“I have taken the Facilitators Training over two seasons and I have evolved as a coach from having hardly any clients, to doing lots of 1:1 coaching, to developing a group program and online course for female academics. Tara Mohr has been a role model in this transformation and I have found her tools incredibly helpful for my own ‘playing big’—as well as coaching others. I highly recommend this program.”
Sanne Frandsen, Associate professor and coach for female academics

“As an educator, the coaching skills and techniques that I learned with Tara have changed how I mentor and teach. I learned firsthand the power of posing strong questions, and now instead of passively depositing knowledge into students, I deftly guide my students toward finding their own answers, their own voices, and their own paths along their academic journeys.”
Leeann Hunter, Associate Professor of English, Washington State University

Wondering about differences in cost or time commitment between these two courses? Great questions!

What is the call schedule for both programs?

The Playing Big Course live sessions meet every other week for a ninety minute workshop. You can attend live or access the video or audio recording.

The Facilitators Training includes the Playing Big workshops and also meets on the weeks in-between for a two hour workshop/lab call. So, Facilitators have a weekly workshop you can attend live or via recordings.

What is the overall time commitment both programs?

Overall, the Playing Big Course is a time commitment of about 2 hours/week (including the bi-weekly workshop and other course materials).

The Facilitators Training is a time commitment of about 3 hours/week (including weekly workshops and other course materials).

What is the cost for both programs?

The Playing Big Course is $874 USD or $164 USD six monthly payments.

The Facilitators Training is $2699 USD or $374 USD eight monthly payments.

Here’s a recap of what is part of each program:

In Both Programs, You’ll Receive:

Dynamic workshops with Tara including teaching, exercises and coaching on each of the core Playing Big topics. These are unique and live for each cohort; they are not pre-recorded.
Lots of coaching demos showing vivid examples of the tools and Playing Big process, and the opportunity to be coached by Tara
Ongoing opportunities to get your individual questions answered
Journaling worksheets and experiential exercises for each module
Virtual meetups with our global community of course participants for connection and sharing
Option for short text message reminders to keep the concepts alive and integrated into your busy life
Options to access course sessions live, or at your convenience via video, audio, transcript or private podcast feed

In the Playing Big Facilitators Training,

You’ll Also Receive:

An additional 12 workshop sessions with Tara, focused on how to use the Playing Big tools in your work with others. These are unique and live for each cohort; they are not pre-recorded.
3-Part Coaching Skills 101 Training sharing Tara’s unique approach to coaching
Opportunity for guided Lab Calls where you can practice the coaching skills in pairs, with debriefs and support from Tara
A collection of handouts, worksheets & resources to share with others—clients, mentees, workshop or group participants
40 Continuing Education units from the International Coaching Federation—21 in core competencies (also requires attending our course sessions live or via recording, and completing our written course assessment to demonstrate your learnings)
Many people take this course to enhance their professional qualifications. If you have attended the course sessions (live or via recording) and completed the written course assessment to demonstrate your learning, you can also add to your professional credentials that you have “Completed the Playing Big Facilitators Training with Tara Mohr.”