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By November 8, 2012 One Comment

The 113th US Congress will have 20 female senators, the most ever in U.S. history. I felt so grateful to see their faces on the news on Tuesday night. I feel so grateful that they chose to run. I feel grateful that they are willing to work within a dysfunctional system in order to serve.

Even as their numbers hit an all-time high, they are not high enough. 20% doesn’t represent the 51% of the population that we are. We need more women in government – and we need more diversity among them.

Part two of my conversation with Marianne Williamson on women running for office is here.

And on a very different note, visit here to read what I and many other fabulous women have to say about how we care for ourselves day to day. I loved reading the honest, interesting reflections here and I think you will too.



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  • Hi Tara..I so appreciate your beautiful presence on this month’s Wise Woman Council and for sharing the link..
    Knowing intuitively what works for you, and creating a daily devotional practice makes such a difference. I think of these practices as the Daily Essentials. They anchor us..fill us up.. and keep us from breaking our own hearts.

    Thank you.

    Love and blessings,

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