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Brillance & Fear

By August 9, 2010 2 Comments

Two goodies for you:



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  • Stephanie S. says:

    Tara, your post about slaying your fears was a timely one for me. Thanks for making me think about this today. I think it’s important, as a first step, to identify what you’re feeling as fear. Sometimes I feel hesitant or unmotivated, and I have to connect with myself to realize that what I’m actually grappling with is fear. Only then can I work on facing it. Thank you again for this post!

  • Gabe says:


    Great post about fear. I think it’s something that we could all read and implement in our lives, since we all deal with fear, albeit some of it is irrational.

    I liked how you presented a challenging, but reasonable task in the end; about letting fear become our companion. It teaches us to acknowledge that it is there, but that we can still be in control. Great point.


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