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Good morning!
Are you still looking for gifts for some of your incredible women friends, family members and colleagues?
We’ve got you covered!
Today is the last day to let us know if you’d like to receive our beautiful, signed bookplates for your Playing Big book gifts this year.
For a reminder of how this works, read below, or click the player to download an mp3 file.

So, when you order 3 or more copies today, I’ll sign bookplates for your gift recipients! We’ll mail them off to you, and you can personalize them with a note from you.
Your dear ones will receive a *signed* copy of the book and your message in our lovely custom bookplates – just like the one below.

Here’s what to do to participate:
Step 1: Purchase 3 or more Playing Big copies from wherever you like to buy books, such as Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble, or Indiebound.
Step 2. Fill out this form to let us know you’re in!
Step 3. Get your bookplates from us in the mail.
Step 4: Give the dear women in your life a personalized, signed Playing Big book this holiday season!
We are closing this offer TODAY Monday, December 5th, at midnight to ensure all the bookplates get out in time for the holiday, so be sure to place your order right away if you want to join us!