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TV Clip

By April 5, 2012 8 Comments


I’m almost at the end of what has been a lovely week in the Seattle area. Maybe if I lived here, the months of rain and cold would become hard to bear, but whenever I come to visit, I swoon for the Pacific Northwest. The landscape of tall trees along the water, the fact that there seems to be an adorable, healthy place to eat on every corner, and there are so many fabulous people here – friends and colleagues I admire.

On Monday, I did an interview with NewDay Northwest, the morning TV show here. Our topic? The subtle, and seemingly “little” ways that women undermine themselves through their own words. Here is the clip: (click here if you are reading by email)

Earlier this week, I held a day long workshop, graciously hosted by Laura Henderson, a blog reader who generously opened up her home for the event, and was an amazing host. Thank you Laura!

And…if you didn’t catch my recent blog post here, “Some Loving Reminders About Feedback,” it’s now up at Huffington Post here.

Love & hugs to everyone,


Join the discussion 8 Comments

  • Amy says:

    Thank you for this, Tara. I am working on speech and communicating strongly and clearly and using my voice, this is an aid in what I feel to make what I say of integrity and meaning.

  • Pingback: Video: “Ways That Women Undermine Themselves Through Their Own Words” |
  • Jeanene says:

    Excellent interview – I agree with everything you said. I especially am bothered by the statements women make in question mode. They sound so tentative, not to mention juvenile. This SO undermines what they’re trying to say. I don’t do that one but I definitely need to work on some of the others. Thanks for the reminder!

  • Amy says:

    Tara, thank you for sharing this interview. I realize now that some of my ideas may be getting lost or stolen because of the way I share them with others. It is so simple, yet I wasn’t conscious of what I was doing. I’m looking forward to being more aware of how I speak and using your tips to speak in a stronger and more direct way. Thank you.

  • Suzanne Enright says:

    Great interview, Tara. I was multitasking and replying quickly to an email as I listened. I edtied out several “just’s”, “actually’s” and “really’s” as I went and sounded stronger and more confident by the time I hit Send. Great to see you on Sunday for the workshop, too I learned a lot!

  • Toni Jabson says:

    Great interview and I lived in the Seattle area for 12 years. The rain did get to me after a while but I still love to visit. I was much younger and I think now that I know myself a little better, I have the tools to be able to handle the rain and dreariness that is sometimes a part of the Pacific Northwest. About this subject, Robin Lakoff wrote a great article in 1974 entitled “You Are What You Say” on this very topic. It amazes me that women are still struggling with verbiage and inflection in language.

  • azmira says:

    I think what you say its like an eye opener to me. Its so true women tend to do this unconsciously. We are also brought up by the stereotype of being the “good girl” of not crossing anyone and offending people. And sometime we are apologizing for the success we had because we don’t want the other party to feel bad about themselves. Thank you so much for this enlightenment. May god bless you ;))

  • I’m so glad you posted this interview, Tara! These tips are so smack on, and so important for women to be aware of.

    I also want to just say how lovely and relaxed you seemed, AND how lovely and genuine the host was (not always the vibe I get from TV talk show hosts… ) It looks like a really wonderful experience and it sure made an impact for everyone in the audience. AND what a brilliant role model you are for playing big!

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