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It was a particular joy to get to be a guest on one of my favorite podcasts, Pulling the Thread with Elise Loehnen. Honestly it felt like a bit of a dream to be a part of it! Ask my husband and kids – I was nervous!

If you enjoy my work, I think you’ll love Elise’s work too. In a sea of personal growth content that’s reductive, it embraces nuance. In a landscape with too many tip– and check– lists, Elise is comfortable in the terrain of asking and exploring big questions. And, in a personal growth landscape that has evolved to have its own problematic old boys’ network, Elise is calling that out, and creating stronger women’s networks within the field.

One more thing I especially love. When I look over at my bookshelves of favorite personal growth and spirituality books, it strikes me how many of those books were published before 2010 or so. There’s a kind of book we don’t see a lot in the personal growth space anymore – it’s hard to describe, but I’d say they are books with less of a big, grabby lead idea, and more of a quieter, wise exploration of major questions. Elise highlights these foremothers and forefathers of a lot of the work happening today – people like Harriet Lerner, Riane Eisler, Llwellyn VonLee, and others. We coaches, therapists, spiritual seekers, personal growth lovers – we did not, um, fall out of a coconut tree! It can only enrich our thinking to know our lineages.

Okay, with all that said… you can listen to my episode on the show here.

Here are a few more episodes with teachers who have been important to me:

Elise’s fantastic Substack is here, and you can get her book, On Our Best Behavior: The Seven Deadly Sins and the Price Women Pay to Be Good here




Photo by Sean Sinclair on Unsplash

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