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Thank You Day

By September 12, 2010 4 Comments

Since they haven’t declared a holiday for it yet, we’ll just have to create one:
a day to thank the people who’ve made a difference for us.

We have more opportunity than ever before to do it,
to thank the ones we haven’t seen in decades,
the ones we never met – the writers, the music makers,
the leaders for causes our lives depend upon.

Thank them because

you never know who is having a day of self-doubt,
who is contemplating giving up,
who is getting ready to conclude that good work doesn’t matter anymore.

Thank them because

when you acknowledge another person’s gifts,
you open a little more room for your own.
You shine a light on the gift-denier in you,
the one that cowers in the glow.

Pick one person who enlarged your world or
broke the fall for your heart.
Tell them how. Spill it all.

Thank them because

when you spread acknowledgement.
all the good in the world grows.
Every heart is strengthened in its next beat
because you did the heart-speaking thing.

Hearts will speak to one another
buzzing in signals we’ve yet to understand,
stitching the harmony of the world together for one more day–
a gift to us — whether we deserve it or not.

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