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What’s your Playing Bigger dream?

Read how these women achieved theirs.

One of my favorite leaps was facilitating a workshop with my sister in Perú…

I came to the Playing Big book while writing my Master’s dissertation about working mothers. I could recognize my inner critic and the academic critical thinking style trying to sabotage my work, making me believe that I wasn’t telling anything relevant. Thanks to you, Tara, I met my inner mentor and discovered that this research was the starting point of my own practice, a practice that seeks to inspire professional women to navigate through motherhood without fear but with optimism as they enter to the best personal development transition.

After reading the book and experiencing the power of the tools by myself, I decided to enroll in the Facilitators Training. The process was completely transformational! Playing Big has helped me to name a lot of things that I was feeling and experiencing during the process of connecting with my calling. At the same time, it has inspired me to take leaps and connect with the audience that I want to impact and serve, from a spirit of curiosity and authenticity. One of my favorite leaps was facilitating a workshop with my sister (a Playing big alumna as well) for 20 brilliant women in Perú, noticing how the tools resonate with women, no matter the culture or age.

Thanks for so much inspiration, Tara. I feel supported by you, and all the amazing women in the Playing Big Community.

– Lorena Carrasco
Organizational Psychologist and Playing Big Facilitators Training Alumna

Tara’s work was instrumental…

When I was at a critical career juncture, I took Tara’s online leadership course and it was transformative. After just three sessions, I had decided to quit my current job, start my own consulting practice, and follow my passion around developing leadership for large-scale social impact. While I’d already had some success, Tara’s work (Playing Big) was instrumental in helping me find my own inner calling, unhook from other’s expectations, and start playing really big.

– Heather Mcleod Grant
Co-founder, Open Impact
Author, Forces for Good

Playing Big has changed my life…

Tara Mohr’s Playing Big has changed my life. I started the course amidst a terrifying professional transition. I was welcomed and supported by Tara’s dynamic community of women from all over the world who not only affirmed that there is room for my gifts in the world, but also encouraged me to leap into my brilliance with courage and conviction.

Since starting the program my salary has more than doubled, I have started my own LLC, and strategized next steps for my personal and professional success, all while learning to live with, and not be paralyzed by, my inner critic. Playing Big, both the course and the book, is filled with engaging content and effective exercises that mine women’s innermost aspirations and dreams. As a professor and public religious leader, I cannot say enough about the difference Playing Big has made in my life. Playing small is no longer an option!

– Reverend Dr. Eboni Marshall Turman
Assistant Professor of Theology and African American Religion,
Yale University Divinity School

I want to give a heartfelt thank you to Tara…

When I took the Playing Big course, I wasn’t sure how I wanted to play bigger in my life but the themes in the book (especially around callings) completely resonated with me and I knew it would help me somehow.

Flash forward ~3 years and I’m in the process of building my own business. I truly don’t think I’d have gotten to this moment without the support and insights from this course, so I want give a heartfelt thank you to Tara Mohr and her team.

– Stacy Cohen Weinstein
Marketing Coach at Hello Healing,

I am still on my path, leaping and learning…

When I learned of the Playing Big course, I knew it was something I had to do for myself and for the women I wanted to serve. It was beyond excellent, and as an educator myself, I can attest to the quality of the materials and time spent working directly with Tara. She’s an authentic, compassionate, brilliant teacher.

Since the Playing Big course, I have started bringing the Playing Big model into my professional sphere. I hosted more than 50 women faculty and staff for an all-day retreat incorporating Playing Big concepts and tools. The response was so positive that I was invited to teach an online women’s leadership class. Of course, Playing Big is one of the required texts.

I’ve also used Tara’s work with my staff, all of whom are women. I bought them the book, and we’ve adopted her key concepts into our everyday vernacular, allowing us to support each other so much more effectively. I have found her tools work with women at all levels of our organization. All of this, every single thing, I attribute to reading Playing Big and taking the Playing Big course. That was less than a year ago, and I am still on my path, leaping and learning every step of the way.

– Alexis Kanda-Olmstead
Managing Director of Talent at Colorado State University

I’m announcing my candidacy for the State Senate…

If, like me, there’s a part of you deep inside that’s screaming ‘get out there and make a difference,’ then I encourage you to try Playing Big. This course helped me find my strength, and gave me the tools I needed to go out into the world and speak honestly and powerfully. I had been considering running for a State Senate seat for a long while, and knew that I could do a much better job than the incumbent. But politics can be intimidating, and not everyone plays nice (especially now). It takes real courage and compassion to stand up and say ‘No; No longer will we allow disingenuous and mendacious people to shape our world.’ And through Tara Mohr and Playing Big, I found that courage to stand up to protect our people and our planet. I hope you find it too.

– Pinky Vargas
Sr. Business Account Manager, Puget Sound Energy
Bellingham City Council Member, Mayor Pro Tem
Candidate for the Washington State Senate, 42 LD

I made a total transformation…

I wanted to write to you to tell you the profound impact your book has had on my life. I really battle with impostor syndrome and I’ve never known how to deal with ‘her’ before. This past Friday I was a speaker at a conference here in South Africa. It was a Women in Business conference and I addressed 300 women on the topic of Resilient and Resourceful. Two days before the conference my inner critic showed up very loud. I felt physically ill (despite the fact that I do public speaking for a living and love it!). I panicked and kept thinking about all the reasons why I am actually not good enough to speak. My inner critic nearly disabled me. Then I put her in the backseat and asked for inner mentor to take over, and though I still had slight nerves, it was the healthy nerves you talk about in your book.

I made a total transformation. When I walked onto the stage, my inner mentor was holding my hand. I felt the strangest sense of calm on stage! I shifted from pachad to yirah. I felt it and it was POWERFUL!!!! I knew in the moment that I was a messenger for other women. And they LOVED my talk. I got such positive feedback afterward.

Thank you for your work. It’s making an incredible difference in my life!

– Celeste Stewart
Director, Bold Curiosity

Your book has been a great gift to me…

A couple years ago I created a retreat for women whose children have died from chronic illness. Twice each year this retreat is put on through the Ethan Lindberg Foundation, which I founded in my son’s honor who died at 7 years old from congenital heart disease. At our most recent retreat, I read a portion of your book to the group. We were talking about finding purpose and the ‘future self meditation.’ They loved it and I wanted you to know. I believe that when we help women heal, we help our families, communities and world heal. Your book has been a great gift to me this year.

– Jessica Lindberg
Founder, Ethan Lindberg Foundation

I am basking in the glow of Playing Big…

Last weekend was the first of my two Open Studio events in. This is the third year that I have shown my encaustic paintings and prints to the world, yet I felt a change in me and how I presented and stood by my work. I spoke strongly and confidently about what I did, why and how (gave a demo!). I held nothing back and spoke my truth. The Universe responded with the most generous conversations, people and surprises. Connections were formed, paintings were sold! And I gained a greater understanding of self.

– Francesca Saveri

A PROFOUND impact on my life…

Playing Big and Tara’s generous wisdom has had a PROFOUND impact on my life…in ways that stretch beyond imagination. Being part of this course has helped me see myself in a bigger and broader light and given me the confidence, support, and tools to grow my business, playfully explore my vision and gracefully take my place in this world to uplift humanity.

– Kirthi Nath
Creative Director and Lead Filmmaker at Cinemagical Media

I found the courage to apply for and land…

You should really say something! ‘Who, Me?!’ my inner critic would whimper as I shrank down further into my chair. You know…you really do have some good ideas; You should share! ‘Are you kidding me? I don’t want everyone to look at me like I just said something stupid!’

That was me before Playing Big lit a BIG fire in me. Tara’s book, passion for elevating women and the recognition of our own inner mentor has been a game changer for me. After reading Playing Big and leading group discussions, I found the courage to apply for, and land, a special assignment job 7 pay grades above my administrative assistant role.

Prior to having the Playing Big tools, I didn’t think I could even interview for this kind of a role. Then my inner mentor said, ‘Why not, you have already been doing the work!’ And I got the job. WOW! I am so excited about the new world this has opened up for me. READ it! DIGEST it! LIVE it! When you share your gifts, you will be unstoppable!

– Teri Evernden
Administrative Assistant, Brand Innovation for Starbucks Channel Brand Management
Director of Programs, Starbucks Women’s Impact Network
Regional Co-Chair Programs, Network of Executive Women, PacNW

Very happy and grateful!

Celebrating good news! I just got official word that I will be joining the faculty at a school for innovation and creative leadership. It’s a great fit, and a wonderful next step for me in being on ‘my path.’

I have to give a huge (HUGE!) shout-out to Tara Mohr’s work. The work I did in the Playing Big course supported me so much in deciding to leave my old gig, and in going for this, connecting to the right questions and trusting myself. Lots of synchronicity, yirah, and strategy.

It’s working! Very happy and grateful!!

-Laura Carmichael
Trainer for leadership and innovation

I ‘leaped’ to pitch an article…

When the Leap module came up during my Playing Big course I ‘leaped’ to pitch an article to a magazine about reverse immigration and ethnic identity as we experienced it when we lived in Italy. To my pleasant surprise, it was bought – and 18 months later is finally in print.

– Jacqueline Jannotta

I would not have the understanding, information, or skills to manage my fears…

When I was introduced to Playing Big, I was a new coach in the profession and fear was huge in my life and had been for a very long time. I was curious and intrigued by this survival mechanism of fear and wanted to understand it. The book, Playing Big, offered perspective and something tangible to help maneuver through fear – not to step over it as though it wasn’t real, but manageable processes for handling fear and moving through it. Often, I reference the resources from Playing Big to help me in this way as well as to support my clients. Without the Playing Big tools and resources it’s likely I would not have the understanding, information, or skills to manage my fears.

– Esther Bailey-Bass
Coach | Speaker | Author | Circle Guardian

I discovered the barrier to my creative work…

In college, multicultural literature and poetry inspired a deeper voice in me that I had yet to discover. As a first generation child of immigrants, I did not have the support network or understanding of how to pursue the path of the writer, so I ignored the calling. I fell into political activism instead to find my voice. Ten years ago, that same voice of the writer within me rose again, but I still could not access it despite finding an external network in graduate school.

Through my work with the Playing Big program, I discovered the barrier to my creative work which is the inner critic. I have learned how to pause to recognize when the inner critic is thwarting my steps towards learning my craft or writing for a new online publication. I now pause to engage in self-care when the inner critic is roaring to stop writing and find “real work” to do.

Understanding the inner critic helps me re-embrace the writing with ease. I recently made the decision to let activism play out through my writing. I have given myself permission and freedom to dedicate myself to the full body of written work I am capable of, and re-immerse myself into literary study. It will take time and patience to realize my full dream to be an established author, but along the way Playing Big tools help me trust my deeper wisdom and take day to day actions towards the writing.

– Meeta Kaur


I am still in awe at how far I have come…

When I signed up for Playing Big, I had just stepped out of a horrible team meeting, and I knew things needed to change. My experience in the course lead me to create my own women’s retreat in the Redwoods. I have since held several retreats and have been joined by many amazing women and grown tremendously from those experiences. My next leap was to leave my full time job a little over 2 years ago and finally start my own executive leadership coaching and training company. I had been plotting and scheming and side hustling for years, but was afraid I would not be able to find the business or make enough money.

Well I am standing here today to say not only did I survive that leap, but I have continuous business being referred to me and I hired my first employee this year. I am still in awe at how far I have come in this time. Working through my fears and overcoming all my brain chatter has been crucial. Also the negotiating segment of this class was invaluable as I negotiated my exit strategy and I daily negotiate new business contracts.

I am so grateful to Tara Mohr for her inspiration to bring this work to the world (I recommend her book to all my female leader clients) and to myself, frankly, for having the courage to leap time and time again.

– Laura Gates
Founder, Gates Group LLC

I can experience the satisfaction and joy of my own life…

My key takeaway from Tara’s training is that I get to decide what playing big means for me, at
any time, in whatever circumstances I find myself. I realized that on any given day, playing big
can look a little different, and thanks to the work I’ve done in this course, I’m remembering to
shift my locus of authority inward, rather than outward, to find my own definition of playing big
and honor my own values, so that I can experience the satisfaction and joy of my own life.

– Karin Sawyer CPCC/ACC
The Compass Mirror Coaching
Helping women recover from – and avoid – burnout

The things I’ve accomplished have brought me to a whole new level of success…

Tara Mohr swept into my life on a sunny Los Angeles afternoon in the fall of 2017, and I can honestly say things have not been the same since. Her book rocked my world because honestly going in I thought, “Well, this looks interesting,” and the only reason I found it was because I had just named my new film production company, Play Big Pictures, and I was looking for what else was out there that echoed my passion for women playing bigger in the world. I began my PLAYING BIG Audible journey, and from just a few minutes in, I knew Tara was what I’d been looking for…for it what feels like forever. I understood everything she said, on a cellular level. It was like my highest self was talking to me through her words. Don’t even get me started on your Inner Mentor – good lord, I almost had to pull over because I was “YES, YES, YES” and excited a bit beyond reason. Now here’s the thing to really be over the moon about – PLAYING BIG is a journey where you empower yourself to be the most badass, bold, exhilarating version of yourself. YOU make it happen, and these tools Tara has created are for your lifetime. She is not your guru or your mentor – she is your guide to YOU being your own guru or mentor. The truth is I already considered myself a woman who makes things happen, who loves herself, who has kicked fear’s ass and claimed my space, but I’ll tell you what – the things I’ve accomplished since beginning the PLAYING BIG journey have brought me to a whole new level of success both personally and professionally. I walk into meetings taller, my vocabulary has changed, my leadership skills have at least doubled, and I’m truly taking my place as a change-maker for not only women, but the LGBTQ community as well.  Thanks Tara, I can’t wait to see what happens next!

– Marina Rice Bader
Outfest Board of Directors
Founder & CEO | Soul Kiss Films
Founder & CEO | Play Big Pictures

Playing Big was exactly what I needed…

Playing Big was exactly what I needed when I struck out on my own as an organizational development consultant five years ago. Tara is a wise woman and Playing Big includes a thoughtful mix of techniques that helped me build awareness about the places where I was getting in my own way. Even better, the program goes far beyond shining a light on problems. It is filled with unique practices, hacks, and tools that I was able to use – and continue to use – when anxiety or self-consciousness creep in.

– Rochelle Williams
Founder and Principal Consultant, Gather

I feel more connected to making a difference in the world…

I recently had what I’m calling an academic’s “existential crisis” where I confronted the realization that I felt like my research wasn’t making any difference in the world. But the Playing Big tools have been invaluable to help me break out of my academic shell in order to help my work have more impact. I used the Playing Big tools to quiet my inner critic, realize my story has value as is, stop my hiding strategies and not fear critical feedback so much that I don’t write down things I think need to be said.

I decided that I was going to write an editorial to my major disciplinary journal to argue for some shifts in our collective thinking. I didn’t agonize over it, I didn’t send it past umpteen people for their feedback, I didn’t diminish it – I just sent it as something for the journal editor to consider.

The editor wrote back to me in a day and said she wanted to publish it. I just got word this week that the journal will be implementing the shift in policy I was advocating in the editorial. They are going to require gender and race demographic information to be collected and shared in research they publish even if the research questions aren’t about diversity, so that we can start to see when researchers are making generalized claims (that their results are applicable to everyone) when their data are really primarily on white people and male people.

I feel more connected to making a difference in the world. I am psyched, and hungry to do more!

– Alice Pawley
Associate professor, School of Engineering Education, and affiliate faculty, Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies and Division of Environmental and Ecological Engineering, Purdue University

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