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Below you can find resources to support your wellbeing, based on the content of previous Sunday Sessions.
You can find the full archive of Sunday Session recordings here.

Worksheets from Previous Sunday Sessions

Eden Gratitude Practice Journaling Worksheet (watch the full video related to this topic here)

Authentic Choices Worksheet (watch the full video related to this topic here)

Navigating Friction in Relationships Worksheet (watch the full video related to this topic here)

Daily Practices for Work-Personal Harmony & Integration (watch the full video related to this topic here)

External Firsts Worksheet (watch the full video related to this topic here)

Antagonism Journaling Worksheet (watch the full video related to this topic here)

Unpacking Dips in Motivation Worksheet (watch the full video related to this topic here)

Additional Resources

Journaling Questions for Difficult Times Worksheet (read the full post here)

You Aren’t Lazy! Let’s Figure Out What’s Going On Instead Worksheet (video for this worksheet is here)

Inner Mentor exercise can be found here.



image by: Timothy Dykes




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